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Advertisement Rotation

    Unlike other sites where you buy your static ad and get charged for someone viewing your ad twice even if they hit the reload button, Matt's Script Archive uses a different advertising scheme. Your image will be thrown in a pool with anywhere from 10 to 20 other images. They will be rotated and displayed in order as a user travels through pages. This allows me not only to place ads on all of my individual pages, maximizing the number of times your ad will be seen, but you can also be assured that most users will not see your same ad twice. If they happen to hit reload on a page, they will be given a different ad, instead of the one they just had, meaning that you won't be paying for multiple views by the same person.

Advertisement Dimensions and Content

    Advertisement Size:
    All advertisements on Matt's Script archive must be 468w x 60h pixels or smaller. It is recommended, but not strictly enforced, that you keep the file size as small as possible. Animated GIF banners are acceptable. If you have any other questions, just ask. we are pretty flexible.

    Advertisement Content:
    The content of the advertisement is up to the advertiser, although we reserve the right to reject any ad based solely on our discretion.

Other Details

    What is an impression?

    An impression refers to each time your image or alt text is displayed to a web browser. This is how almost all advertising places on the web charge, and it is a more accurate measurement than a click-through, since the click-throughs per impression ratio vary depending on the appeal of the ad and how targeted your audience is.

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